Choco Chai.
A refreshing blend of high grow full leaf black tea combined with natural extracts of Chocolate.
for a robust and
flavoury cup..!
If you love chocolate and tea, and want to experience the two as one, our Chocolate Tea is an apropos choice for you. With its Chinese black base and rich aroma chocolate Flavored Tea is the first Flavored Tea of its kind. Finest quality Tea leaves plucked skillfully and packed hygeienically with just the right amount of flavor to give you a relaxing, rejuvenating and healty beverage.Experiece the classic flavor and aroma of the finest hand picked tea from the higher elevation of Assam

Dry Leaves
assam tea is the base of this tea, giving it is dark brown appearance.
Skip the dessert and go straight for this delicious tea with its strong chocolate
This tea smells like a dessert with a rich chocolate aroma.

This tea has a ligh brown liquor.
Medium bodied
Brewing Time
10 to 12 m